
How to Get Your Child Started in Modeling

Do you want to get your child into modeling for print ads, fashion shows and catalogues?

To know everything there is about the field of modeling will fill a book shelf.

Presented here is a basic overview to help educate you on what can be expected when you make that “step” into the field of child modeling.

Modeling for children is a career; it is neither easy nor immediate. You need to prepare yourself and your child.

NOTE: Children that are shy and have to be coaxed to interact naturally with new people don’t usually make good models. Kids should be comfortable in front of the camera. No matter how cute or perfect for modeling your child is, if he or she is shy and freezes up, you may want to reconsider.

When I am casting for a project, I have talent bring me photos, lots of recent photos if they have no experience. In addition to looking for the type or look I need, I use photos tell me if the person is photogenic, if they enjoy being in front of the camera and whether they can be animated and versatile.

You as the parent have to prepare yourself as well. You need to educate yourself since you will be involved in the process every step of the way
Successful child models are outgoing, love the camera and have no problems meeting and working with diverse people and situations.


1- Talk to your child, make sure that they understand what it takes to be a model and make sure this is something your child wants.

2- Break out your camera and take clear photos of your child, take them over a couple of weeks. Take clear head and shoulder headshots and full body shots. DO NOT take pictures in your living room, bedroom or anywhere the background shows the interior of your home. Take your photos against plain backgrounds.

Consider going to the park or a place where your child enjoys and take shots making sure the background is not cluttered.

Fill the frame of your photo with your child. (The point of these pictures is to take pictures of your child not the scenery.) You can add in a few props such as a basketball for a boy , a girl school books or sporting gear is one idea. Read More